St Faith's Holidays
1 hour circular walk through woods and meadows
Turn right out of the drive
Walk up the hamlet to the junction at the top of the road (passing the chapel on your left
and the bus stop on your right)

When facing the thatched cottage stay on the road round to the left

Follow this road all the way down the hill, past another thatched cottage on your left (Lower Woodford) until you come to a stile on the right (opposite Ham’s Mill with ford and river)

Climb over the stile into a meadow with the river running along the left side. (Dogs can now come off their leads)

Cross the meadow and follow path through the woods

Walk down the path to another stile with steppingstones into another meadow

Follow the river until you come to more steppingstones

At the footpath marker take the path up the hill

Follow the path up out of the woods and up the valley with views over to the sea and GCHQ

When you come to a farm gate you will need to put the dogs back on the lead as there are sheep in the next field that you will walk

Stay to the left up the track to the end of the field

Go through the gate and follow the farm track to the road

At the road turn left down past Sheers Farm

Follow the road round until you get back to the thatched cottage and bus stop

Turn left down the road back down the Hamlet to St Faith’s on the left (Just after the 60 mph sign)